SME 2 HOA Annual Meeting Minutes Jan. 18, 2020
Meeting was called to order by Vicki Ray at 10:05 a.m.
Board introductions were made.
Old Business:
New Business:
Open Forum :
Motion for adjournment was made. Motion approved.
SME 2 HOA Annual Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2019
Meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m.
Before the SME2 HOA meeting, Section 1 neighbors were invited to attend to learn about important info concerning paving Yarnell and new internet possibilities.
Daniel Hamilton , of NETLIVE networks, gave an update on a new tower being built on Woodmoor Mountain. This will allow some people who live in our neighborhood to receive better internet. We should be able to get this service starting the end of January. His contact info is : (719) 247-6656 EXT 803.
Introduction of Rod Meredith, Director of Public Works and Operation and Art Griffiths, Manager of Capital Improvement Project (CAP).
Rod begins a presentation of our options to pave Yarnell:
· CAP – Homeowners pay for materials, Douglas County provides for labor and equipment. 70% of homeowners who live on Yarnell must vote to approve.
· LID – It takes about 2 years and 3X more expensive due to using Contractor’s cost.
Procedure for going the CAP route:
· Assemble neighbors – Someone who lives on Yarnell must survey neighbors and get 70% to agree to it.
· Douglas County then presents a formal invitation and estimate to the neighborhood. Once this estimate is presented it doesn’t change.
· Money must be collected first, then project proceeds. Everyone in SME Section 1 & 2 can contribute to pay for paving.
· City Manager then approves the project.
· The costs : There are 33 homes on Yarnell. If only those homes paid, it would cost ~$6000 per home. There are 82 homes in both sections 1&2. The cost would be considerably less when everyone contributes; ~$ 2,500 per home. Costs are less if absorbed by the whole neighborhood.
· Homeowner’s have taken out personal loans to pay their portion.
Douglas County performed a road count on Dec. 18, 19 & 20th. The results were 467, 357 and 379. Since there was such a large difference between 1 of the 3 days, they will be performing a new count probably this summer.
Other choices for Yarnell:
· Asphalt Millings – not a good choice due to high maintenance costs.
· Oil – Not environmentally safe
· MgCl – Less dust. There will be less mud as it compacts more in the coming months. Could cut the amount of MgCl 50% to see if that helps with the mud
problem. If we want to stop the MgCl application, we would need a revote by the
Yarnell homeowners. There were opposing opinions about weather to stop the MgCL or not.
John Probst closing comments: We need to pave Yarnell and he knows some people would pitch in extra $ to get it done before 2022.
10 Minute Break.
Formal Board Meeting was called to order by Vicki Ray at 11:31 a.m.
1. Quorum was established.
2. A motion was made and seconded to approve the 2018 annual meeting minutes.
3. The 2018 Treasurer’s Report was presented by Reta Adams. There was a question of why we pay $1,150 in liability insurance. Reta explains it’s to protect board members from litigation, A motion was made and seconded to approve the report.
Old Business:
4. Vicki Ray went over the Water Usage report. She emphasized the importance of having a water meter. We must continue to report our water usage at least until 2025. Curt Washburn emphasized reporting Water usage is one of the most important things our HOA board does. It shows we are not abusing our water rights and to protect our water rights. We need to look into renewing our SME water Decree. HOA’s oversight on our water rights is necessary.
5. Greg Nykiel from our Fire Wise committee reported on chipping and slash pickup.
a. Cipping Day – 9 homes participated and cost $425. Reta Adams and Vicki
Kupko made the executive decision to have the HOA pay for it.
Greg reminded us that the company who does the chipping is a non-profit
organization and is for fire mitigation only. Not lot clearing.
b. Slash pick up – 11 homes participated and it took 4 truckloads.
Cost was $1,600.
c. There will be another slash pick up and chipping day this year.
New Business:
6. Reta Adams went over the 2019 HOA Budget. A motion was made to approve to
and it was seconded.
7. A motion was made to develop the Yarnell Paving Committee. It was seconded.
Members of the committee: Rick Munoz, Chris Kupko ( both will co-chair), Aaron
Gallegos, Sarah Heckathorn and Karl Roscoe.
8. Margie Munoz volunteered to replace Reta Adams on the Board. A motion was
made to approve. It was seconded. Thank you Margie.
Motion for adjournment was made. Motion approved.
SME 2 HOA Annual Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2018
Old Business:
5. An explanation of how and why we do an annual water meter reading
was presented by Carol Liebner.
6. Greg Nykiel of the Fire Wise Committee presented new information:
a. 2017 slash pick-up program update: 16 homes participated with 4 truckloads at
a cost of $1600.
b. Fourteen homes attended the annual SME annual picnic.
c. Presented information about the CUSP (Coalition of the Upper South Platte) Grant
application to defer costs in participating in the May 5 National Fire Mitigation
d. Chris Kupko proposed to keep 2018 slash budget at $2000. Approved. Max amount
of slash per household TBD.
e. Greg Nykiel Motioned for $1000 to be allocated to chipping for Fire Mitigation
day. Approved. More information to follow.
f. SME is now officially a Fire Wise Community. A sign will be posted on Yarnell and
HWY 105.
New Business:
7. Review of 2018 Budget. Karl Roscoe motioned to approve. Approved.
8. Carol Liebner presented information for road maintenance for Yarnell. If Yarnell
needs maintenance i.e. grading, etc. contact Steve Delke at Douglas County Public
Works at 303-660-7480. Carol also looked into paving Yarnell. Douglas County
will pay for labor and homeowners would have to pay for materials. 70% of the
homes On Yarnell would have to agree. For more information call Rod Meredith at
Douglas County Public Operations Dpt. at 303-660-7480.
9. Reta Adams proposed an HOA sponsored garage sale. HOA would pay for signs
and advertising. Approved.
10. Carol Liebner’s tenure on the board has ended. Vicki Ray was elected to replace
her. Congratulations Vicki and thank you Carol for all your hard work.
11. A motion for adjournment was made. Motion approved.
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